KMAS Software
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KMAS/Hydroforming Introduction:
KMAS / Hydroforming is currently mainly applied in automotive tubular parts forming. Hydraulic tube forming process is shown in Figure 1: First fill the tubular blank with a water soluble substance emulsion (concentration of about 5%), then close the mold. Under the internal pressure of the tubular blank and two opposite pressure along the initial axial direction of the tubular blank, the tubular blank fills the mold cavity. The main function of KMAS hydroforming module is: under conditions of given blank material properties, parts geometry, mold-blank interfacial friction coefficient, to determine the appropriate load path (axial feed rate and the tube internal pressure versus time), and avoid the tube buckling , wrinkling , cracking and other defects to get qualified products .
KMAS / Hydroforming enables you to:
•Achieve rapid tool design and process design for hydroforming parts ;
•Reduce mold manufacturing cost and shorten the development cycle ;
•Improve part quality ;
•Improve process reliability.
•Quadrilateral shell elements applied.
•Using static explicit algorithm in the quasi-static tube forming process, it means higher accuracy