KMAS Software
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KMAS / Incremental Introduction:
KMAS / Incremental applies elastic-plastic large deformation finite element method, adaptive mesh refinement technology, high efficiency, high-precision surface contact algorithm for complex tools, and BT (Belytschko / Tsay) shell unit which can consider the thickness shear strain, it can simulate gravity, blank holder drawing, one-step drawing, multi-stage forming and spring back process and predict six classes of forming defects and process optimization. Simulation process could consider friction and lubrication of tools, work hardening, material anisotropy, equivalent drawbead resistance and real drawbead effect.
KMAS / Incremental enables you to:
•Significantly reduce mold design time and tryout period, thereby reducing the cost;
•Rapid increase in mold design accuracy.
KMAS / Incremental Features:
•Adaptive mesh refinement using advanced refinement technology could improve the simulation accuracy.
•BT shell element, taking into accounts both the efficiency and accuracy, can ensure the accuracy of the rebound calculation.
•Simple operation, easy to use.